2018 將軍漢堡的愛人玉子 頭上的粉紅色和風花頭飾是由Helen設計製作
I just received the poster of the general burger from the makeup artist Angel Li send. I mainly don't want to tell you that McDonald's launched the general burger meal as simple as that. I want to tell you that the pink and windflower headdress on the head of the jade is designed and made by Helen. I used to go to the queue to buy a general burger meal. I really didn't think that I had the opportunity to help the general's girlfriend, Yuzi, to make a headgear. I can see my own hand-made headwear appear on the poster. I feel very happy now and I also feel like tears. I am really very happy. I have this opportunity. I am also very grateful to the makeup artist Angel li. 剛剛收到化妝師Angel Li send 來的 將軍漢堡的poster。 我唔係想同你講麥當勞出咗將軍漢堡咁簡單。 我係想同你講玉子頭上的 粉紅色 和風花頭飾是由Helen做。 以前 排隊去買將軍漢堡餐就有。 真是想都沒有想過自己有機會幫將軍的女朋友玉子做頭飾。 可以見到自己親手做的頭飾出現喺 poster上面, 我現在的感覺是非常之開心亦都有想流淚的感覺。 我真的是非常之開心 有這一次的機會 ,同時亦都十分感謝化妝師Angel li. #和風花頭飾 #廣告拍攝頭飾 #日式頭飾